For cutting thin sheets and wires
Side cutter models from Rossi Giovanni
Sidecutter models from Freidr Dick
DF = Double springs WØ= Copper Wire HØ= Hard Wire PØ= Piano Wire DF = Double springs WØ= Copper Wire HØ= Hard Wire PØ= Piano Wire
Without facet. DF = Double springs WØ= Copper Wire HØ= Hard Wire PØ= Piano Wire Without facet. DF = Double springs WØ= Copper Wire HØ= Hard Wire...
Copper: 0,3 - 1,6 mm Spring: max. 0,4 mm Copper: 0,3 - 1,6 mm Spring: max. 0,4 mm
Copperwire: 0,3 - 1,25 mm Copperwire: 0,3 - 1,25 mm
Copperwire: 0,4-2,00 mm Piano wire max. 0,4 mm Copperwire: 0,4-2,00 mm Piano wire max. 0,4 mm
Has spring action handle. Cuts: soft wire 4 mm, half hard wire 3,2 mm, hard wire 1,90 mm" and piano wire 1,6 mm. Overall length: 140 mm Maximum jaw opening: 6,35 mm. Has spring action handle. Cuts: soft wire 4 mm, half hard wire...
DF = Double springs WØ= Copper Wire HØ= Hard Wire PØ= Piano Wire DF = Double springs WØ= Copper Wire HØ= Hard Wire PØ= Piano Wire