For cutting thin sheets and wires
Side cutter models from Rossi Giovanni
Sidecutter models from Freidr Dick
DF = Double springs WØ= Copper Wire HØ= Hard Wire PØ= Piano Wire DF = Double springs WØ= Copper Wire HØ= Hard Wire PØ= Piano Wire
Double joint CrV TLG steel Double joint CrV TLG steel
Without facet. DF = Double springs WØ= Copper Wire HØ= Hard Wire PØ= Piano Wire Without facet. DF = Double springs WØ= Copper Wire HØ= Hard Wire...
Lenght 115 mm. Box joint. Facet. Lenght 115 mm. Box joint. Facet.
Lenght 130 mm. Lap joint. For hard wire up to 1,2 mm. Lenght 130 mm. Lap joint. For hard wire up to 1,2 mm.
Lenght 130 mm. Box joint. For hard wire up to 1,5 mm. Lenght 130 mm. Box joint. For hard wire up to 1,5 mm.
Swiss style heavy duty angled side cutter, pointed end. Bergeon type, heavy duty sprue cutter. Swiss style heavy duty angled side cutter, pointed end. Bergeon...
No facet. Length 150 mm. The coil spring. No facet. Length 150 mm. The coil spring.